Explore Apps Centre

Select, manage and install different applications to help users track quotes and make better purchasing decisions.

Our App Library shows the available applications for you to download and assign to different members within your organisation.

  • Install applications that benefit your organisation
  • Allocate single or multiple apps to users
  • Pin your apps to your dashboard for easy navigation

App Management

Make it easy for departments to collaborate by allocating apps to specific users within your organisation.

Find the right tools to help you achieve your business objectives faster and smarter. Start assigning apps that are relevant to the role of a user in a specific department within your organisation to help them increase productivity.

App Reviews

See what other people are saying about existing applications. Install apps and leave feedback.

Determine whether the app helped you in your purchase, then share your feedback to others. We always strive to improve our products and services, so your opinion is important to us and the community.

Improved Collaboration

Effective collaboration achieves what no single team member can do on their own.

Bridge different departments by assigning the right users to one or multiple applications to improve communication and work effectiveness.

See KnowledgeBus in action

Get a free demo and see how KnowledgeBus technology facilitates faster, easier procurement.

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