Are you aware of your supplier's margins?

IT represents one of the largest areas of indirect procurement spend for both private and public sector organisations, and with a highly dynamic supply chain, IT buyers are faced with a consistently volatile IT marketplace. Budget holders and buyers face crucial disadvantage over IT suppliers because they lack trade level insight into daily price and stock changes.

Did you know that some organisations pay huge margins of up to 1992% on certain products?

Avoid this from happening with the only platform on the market which allows businesses to view live-prices and supplier margins prior to purchasing, saving time and money that allow to better negotiate rates.

Free Spend Analysis Report

Combine the power of your systems

As reassurance of the ROI opportunity, without cost or obligation, we undertake a spend analysis exercise on a sample of 50-100 IT product purchases spanning 12 months. The analysis reveals the actual margins you have been paying, any overcharging and an indication of potential cost savings.

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Transparent Supplier Margin

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